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unc0099c |
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卡莉·菲奧莉娜在麻省理工學院的演講: 艱難的抉擇 Carly Fiorina : Tough Choices 英文版 CD 只於電腦播放 |
碟片數量: |
1片 |
銷售價格: |
200 |
瀏覽次數: |
43072 |
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卡莉·菲奧莉娜在麻省理工學院的演講: 艱難的抉擇 Carly Fiorina : Tough Choices 英文版 CD 只於電腦播放 |
這是前惠普主席和執行長Carly Fiorina於2006年10月18 在MIT 麻省理工學院做的演講。 主題: Tough Choices 時長: 約47分鐘 字幕: 簡體中文 主講: Carleton S. (Carly) Fiorina
菲奧莉娜在1999至2005年出任惠普主席和執行官,2000至2005年是董事會主席。 Carleton S. (Carly) Fiorina was President and Chief Executive Officer of Hewlett-Packard Company from 1999 to 2005. She served as Chairman of the Board from 2000 to 2005.
在加入惠普之前,菲奧莉娜在AT&T和朗訊科技任職二十多年。 Prior to joining HP, Fiorina spent nearly 20 years at AT&T and Lucent Technologies.
菲奧莉娜在2004年獲私營體系議會獲頒發領袖獎,嘉許她對改善政府事務的貢獻。同年,美國政府委任她加入美國太空委員會。 The Private Sector Council honored Fiorina with its 2004 Leadership Award for her contributions to improving the business of government. Also in 2004, the White House appointed her to the US Space Commission.
菲奧莉娜在史丹福大學取得中古史和哲學的學士學位,她也是馬里蘭大學的商管學碩士,並在1989年在麻省理工學院史隆學院就讀,取得碩士學位。 Fiorina earned a bachelor's degree in medieval history and philosophy from Stanford University. She holds a master's degree in business administration from the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland at College Park, Maryland, and a Master's Degree from MIT Sloan in 1989.
As a receptionist, Carly Fiorina made an important observation: people in the mailroom were not “fundamentally different from people in the boardroom -- people are people wherever you find them.” She has made ample use of this insight throughout her life, and in her recent book, Tough Choices. Her talk offers samples of this memoir about her career, especially her beleaguered time at Hewlett-Packard.
菲奧莉娜在一場公開宣揚的洪洪烈火中被惠普辭退,但依然為她在公司的成就而驕傲。從1999 到2005年,她頂著重重困難,帶領改革“圖符、神話,但泥足深陷”,在“歷史上最偉大的科技改變年代“沉沉睡著的惠普。她歸功於麻省理工學院的幾門課程,幫助她迎接挑戰一間“沉緬於昔日,未能預想未來”的企業。
Fiorina was fired from HP in a ferocious blaze of publicity, but demonstrates pride in her accomplishments at the company. From 1999 through 2005, she spearheaded a difficult transformation of an “iconic, mythic but also deeply troubled” HP, which had essentially slept through what Fiorina calls “the biggest tech upturn in history.” She credits several courses at MIT Sloan with helping prepare her to meet this challenge of a “company so in love with its past that it could not envision its future.”
她接掌惠普時,察覺到“極其複雜的製度問題”,不僅需要改變企業的策略、結構和流程,還要改變企業的“軟件”:惠普的價值觀和文化。菲奧莉娜說:“量化型的人認為價值觀和組織行為是軟綿綿的東西;對不起,這是最硬幫幫的東西…。”菲奧莉娜是外來人,是一個十分男性組織的女性,她的概念遭到頑強扺抗,只能倚靠她對“恐懼、人性動機和數據”的了解。 On arrival at HP, she perceived “a systems problem of great complexity,” requiring not only changes in the strategy, structures and processes of the firm, but in HP's values and culture -- the firm's “software.” Says Fiorina, “For all you -- sorry – quantitative types who think values and organizational behavior is soft stuff—it is the hardest stuff…” Fiorina, an outsider, and a woman in a very male organization, met stiff resistance to her ideas, and relied on her understanding of “fear, human motivation and yeah, the numbers.”
她與康柏的合併計劃受到挑戰:“科技工業可能要聯合,被視為異端之說。”今天她感到被證明是對的。她辭退了三萬六千員工,了解他們的反感。但她相信領袖的工作是“看到(他人看不到)情況下的可能性”,以眼光銳利的現實主義接受改變,認清楚風險和利益。菲奧莉娜視樂觀為領導才能的核心要素,相信“事物會變得更好,而人們雖然有恐懼也會一同上路。”她的最後忠告:“不要注視那些你不能做到的;專注於你可以做到的。你做得到,機會隨之而來。” She was challenged on her merger plan with Compaq: “The fact that the tech industry might have to consolidate was viewed as heresy.” Today she feels vindicated. She laid off 36 thousand employees, and acknowledges their resentment. But she believes that a leader's job “is to see possibilities in circumstances” that others don't see, and to approach change with a clear-eyed realism that acknowledges both the risks and the benefits. Fiorina views optimism as a core quality in leadership, the belief “that things can get better and that people are willing to go along for the journey in spite of their fears.” She offers closing advice: “Don't fixate on things you can't do, but on things you can. If you do that, opportunity will knock.”